【Kaiser3344提供英语地道翻译】玉不琢不成器 人不学不知道【翻译】If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use. If a man does not learn, he cannot know his duty towards his neighbor.【解析】If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use.美玉如果不(经过)雕刻打磨,就不可能变成(精美的)玉器。If a man does not learn, he cannot know his duty towards his neighbor.(少年)人如果不(努力)读书学习,就不会懂得(为人民服务及济世救国的)道理。【楼主】完全按照您的要求来的,若觉得满意,望多多支持哈!!!
玉不琢不成器 人不学不知道
【翻译】If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use. If a man does not learn, he cannot know his duty towards his neighbor.
If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use.
If a man does not learn, he cannot know his duty towards his neighbor.
日语里的 反社会要素,真正的意思是不遵守社会规则,违反社会的各种已经成为制度和大家共同遵守的规定.在汉语里就是; 缺德,不讲公德,不道德,没有规矩等意思