我想搂主的意思是说:今天的票没有了,明天的票请明天来买。是这个意思吗?如果是这个意思,应该是这样的: The tickets for today were all sold out, please come tomorrow to buy tomorrow's ticket.
回复- 周宇浩用户2025-03-07我想搂主的意思是说:今天的票没有了,明天的票请明天来买。是这个意思吗?如果是这个意思,应该是这样的: The tickets for today were all sold out, please come tomorrow to buy tomorrow's ticket.1楼
- 冯麟集用户2025-03-07这是什么话啊? 今天卖完了,明天再来就有票了?奇怪了2楼
- 易可佳用户2025-03-07逻辑出错了。请先搞清楚汉语意思比较重要。3楼
- 唐宏亮用户2025-03-07tickets have been sold out. come here tomorrow, please4楼
- 朱奥婕用户2025-03-07Train tickets have all been sold out, please come back tomorrow to buy.5楼